Part Two: Meeting New People Under Bad Circumstances, 2

A cockroach writhed on its back in a dark corner of the lobby. Ellis’ welcoming crew. He kept glancing at it while he looked on the mailboxes for Dallas’ name and apartment number. He wanted to help it, but it might freak out and shoot eggs at him. He found his brother’s name on the mailbox for Apt 68. It was partially scratched out.

The narrow hallways and low ceiling made Ellis feel like he was in a mine. The dim florescent lights flickered like torch fire. The gum encrusted floor and peeling paint created uneven textures like the rocky sides of a tunnel. He eyed the elevator unhappily. He wasn’t afraid of heights, but the sensation of going up filled his stomach with butterflies.

The elevator smelled like body odor. Not like a locker room, like a specific individual’s.

Opening the door to Apt 68 was like gazing through a magic portal to a furniture show room. Everything was pristine and brand new, in stark contrast to the rest of the building. There was a black leather couch with perfect, plump leather cushions that shined in the overhead light like polished boots. No water rings on the coffee table or holes in the dry wall. The purple curtains looked ironed. The huge TV had plastic cling on it. The remote was on the stand, not lost like remotes should be.

Ellis froze in the door frame as if he’d sully the apartment with his riff-raffishness. It didn’t feel like a home, it felt like a set. Did Dallas even live here. Why’d they clean it so well? What had they done here?

He noticed a tiny bit of water damage on a purple accent wall near the ceiling. It was enough proper wear and tear to put him more at ease. He carefully set his luggage just inside the doorway, relieved he didn’t have to carry it anymore. He checked it to be safe, then explored the space.

The kitchen was crazy. Ellis had never seen such clean appliances; even the displays at stores had some fingerprints on them. The fridge was empty except for a collection of exotic hot sauces. All unopened. The drawers had silverware, but no spatulas, meat thermometers, or any other essentials. There were Chinese food sauce packets, but that was cold comfort. Those were everywhere.

The bathroom was very small. The shower curtain was mildew-free and the caulk around the tub was stark white. He’d never seen a bathroom with no moisture damage. He lifted open the toilet, expecting even that to be dry.

Ellis wouldn’t go in the bedroom. Too personal. There was no bedroom door, just a thick purple curtain. There wouldn’t be a lot of privacy. He’d be getting kicked out whenever Dallas had girls over.

Ellis set himself on the couch trepidaciously, like he was stepping into cold water. He didn’t want to put wear and tear on someone’s new couch so he sat on it like it was an antique, careful not to get too comfortable.

He felt monumentally lonely. He had one close friend back home, but no way to contact her. He’d have to pay someone to borrow their cellphone to say hello. His Mom didn’t want to hear from him. The night shift gas attendants, homeless dudes, the one nice librarian, the autistic kid who lent him comics, they were all far away. He missed the old men who played chess in the WinCo parking lot, the lady on his block who tied her cockatoo to her shoulder, and other people who he’d never spoken to, but knew. He was starting from scratch. There was nothing familiar.

He couldn’t trust Dallas for support. Motherfucker didn’t even leave a note on the fridge.

That lack of communication made Ellis feel restrained in the house. He didn’t know the boundaries, so he was afraid to do anything. He got up and did what he did when his old house felt unsafe. Take a walk.

“Z, I know what you’re thinking, but there’s nothing to worry about!” Dallas came out from the bathroom. There were no toiletries, just bird medicine and other supplies. It confirmed Dallas’ suspicion that no one actually lived here. Dallas knew his birds, many of these were endangered and illegal to own. Some rich guy who lived in a nicer city with real regulations needed somewhere to keep his exotic pets.

“And!” Dallas held up a needle he found in the trash. “Whoever tends these birds parties. Hard. He ain’t coming to work on a wild night.”

“Clearly he has healthy amount of disrespect for his employers. But that is no guarantee.”

“Look I don’t know what Wild Nights are. Amy is always talking about collective consciousness and infectious energy and mass hysteria and you’re always talking about that too but in more of a Jungian supernatural way and I kinda nod at you guys politely because I’m just a freaky lil monkey man but I know ONE damn thing, and it’s when when I was on this shit, I was NOT going to work on Wild Nights. Lemme tell ya.”

“If he shows, we bribe. There is other problem,” Dzerassae gestured her chin towards several cameras facing the bird cages, pointed at hanging toys or food trays.

“Pet cameras,” Dallas said. “1920’s noir motherfuckers never had to worry about this stuff. They usually notify people when the animals move or make noise.” The birds were freaking out and Dallas was constantly trying to touch them.

“Then you must control yourself and stay away from cages,” Dzerassae said.

“Eh, he could live in another time zone for all we know,” Dallas lovingly watched an African Gray maul his finger. “Otherwise, sorry but see you in jail. Not as bad as the Soviet ones at least. Just kidding, they’re torture chambers over here. Ow, fuck. Cutie found the cuticle.”

Dzerassae ignored him and the birds. She was the one who found Zengrel’s new address. It was renovated recently, three apartments converted into one large mansion. It came to her attention when the good liberal neighbors called ICE on the contractors. Renovations aren’t common in Sincoke, and they began right after Zengrel’s trafficking and statutory rape trial in Los Angeles—which got inexplicably little media coverage. He got a minor solicitation charge. She sent Lester to case it. Dallas spoke to some old acquaintances—other mostly reformed thugs and gangsters that did private security work. A couple of them had passed up opportunities to work there, being a little too reformed to work for rich people who demand ‘extreme discretion.’ They tracked some packages and stole the moving company’s records. The apartment was owned by a NYC real estate company, operated by people close to Zengrel.

It didn’t take a data interpreter or a criminal psychologist to put it together. He was hiding in Sincoke while the limited press from his court case blew over. But he wasn’t covering his tracks very well. Many rich people were very private. Most large conglomerates and finance firms didn’t have a public face. She wondered what gave Zengrel all his confidence. Dallas assumed it was money. America believed he was a narcissist. Lester figured he was just stupid. Dzerassae had a feeling there was more to it.

She had to periodically rest her old eyes. Dallas was starting to fade too. He spent most of the day stalking cheating spouses to keep the Agency afloat. Americans call people friends far too easily, but Dallas was certainly a comrade. She wasn’t sure if he was more interested in helping people or punishing himself. She could tell his mind was dwelling in darkness.

“Do not listen. You are good man, Dallas Avia,” Dzerassae said. “Awhile back you called your contacts ‘other mostly reformed gangsters.’ You are fully reformed. You are on the other side.”

“Heh. I just broke into someone’s house, and I’m stalking a guy I don’t like,” there was some amusement in his voice. “For sure I’m on the other side. But I haven’t changed.” Dzerassae nodded in solemn understanding. She, too, still lurked in shadows.

“I mean I even brought a lackey with me! That’s crimelord shit.”

“I am NOT lackey!” She frowned deeply and pointed a withering old finger at him.

“Hey don’t curse me with your witch finger!”

“I curse you!” She wiggled it. She was dead serious.

“No! The power of Christ repels you!” Dallas flipped open his wallet and held out a picture of Mao Zedong. “Oh shit—“ he gestured out the window, “there’s guys!”

Ellis was at peace in the hallways because there was nothing he could do to make them worse. He was looking for one of the kinds of vending machines he knew how to rob.

He heard a couple fighting and got excited about shaming them with a disapproving look, but they were inside an apartment. 69, directly across the hallway. He listened for a moment in case things got violent. In his experience no one took the ‘yelly’ household seriously, and he worried no one else would take it seriously if the woman screamed for help.

“Social, cosmic, individual unity! She is disordered on every level. We need to get her into a Game. Maybe even the wilderness facility!”

“Those nit-picking hawks are gonna tear her apart at that awful fucking humiliation ritual,” The woman seemed to hiss at a thousand decibels. Her voice was shrill and throaty. It came from the darkest part of her heart.

“It’s therapy!” The man yelled, “better than the self-delusion echo chamber you get with a shrink. No better than her online–”

“She needs to move some of this product with me,” the woman said, “needs some fire under her ass, learn how to make it as a woman in this world. These are the most productive years of–”

“You and the fucking product! You blew your savings, lost your job and most of your friends over–”

She started yelling indistinctly. No words, just hoarse, furious, demonic shouting.

A third voice repeated the word ‘mom’ increasingly loudly. Suddenly something big and heavy thunked into the door. Ellis saw it shake from impact. Whatever it was shattered on the floor.

Ellis braced himself to kick the door open but the woman didn’t scream, she sighed.

“I loved that thing,” she said coolly. Resigned.

“Its—these—internet—people. He’s—confused.” Silence punctuated each word. “Discipline! Responsibility! Without tradition, without roles, things—have lost—all—meaning. He’s a degenerate—who watches—cartoons. He’s given up on the world—accepted a passive role. That’s what this postmodern Neo-Marxist gender ideology reflects—a broken and confused inner psyche. Dad’s organization is full of low status males and drunks,” a huffy sound of disapproval from the first voice, “but that kind of tough love might help. Don’t you understand?”

The woman sighed. “I haven’t understood a fucking word you’ve said in three years.” The young man cursed and Ellis heard him punch a couch. “Are you going to let him act like that?” The woman said. The first man offered up an explanation so pathetic and impossible to respect that Ellis blocked it out entirely. The younger man launched into another weird speech. His family sounded sick of listening to him, and Ellis was too. He walked away.

It was comforting and confusing to know the apartment was a real place with real people. He walked past several doors that meant dozens of people living separate lives under the same roof. It was a unique loneliness.

He saw a room at the end of the hall with white tiles. A facility. Ellis loved those. Laundry rooms, kitchens, locker rooms. It was easy to pretend you had a reason to be there, so no one asked you to leave. Sometimes they had the old vending machines without cameras and alarm systems. He got closer and saw washing machines. That meant loose change.

He heard the distinct rumbling of a dryer. He walked in and saw

a cute girl. Dancing.

She looked his age, late teens or early twenties. She had olive skin and orange hair gathered into a thick mess. She was wearing a green tank top, dark sweatpants with prints of video game mascots, flip flops, and big bulky headphones. She swayed her hips and swung her arms with her eyes closed. Ellis was captivated by her long sloping nose. It started at a gentle bump between her eyes, perfect for resting glasses on. He he heard Mediterranean people were self-conscious of their noses. He couldn’t imagine why. Hers was elegant.

Ellis felt deep secondhand embarrassment. It was such an intimate, joyful moment and he profaned it profaned it walking in on it. She noticed him just as he was about to back away slowly. She gave a sheepish smile, then sat in the only plastic chair that wasn’t covered in gum or bent at the legs.

Ellis would look like a creeper if he left right away, so he acted like he meant to be there. In a laundry room, with no laundry. He went down the row staring at each dryer. He was obviously more embarrassed than she was, so she decided to rescue him.

“Looking for a good one?”

Did he need one? Ellis pretended to wipe his nose on his shirt collar, covertly sniffing it. “Wait—are some washing machines better than others?”

“I dunno man, I just come in here to dance.” Ellis gave an understanding nod, which perplexed and intrigued her. “You new here?”

“Moved in tonight.”

“Oh, very new! Cool. From what part of the city?”

Her eyes were big and bright brown, with dark circles her iris. He felt them taking him in. He stared at the ground, occasionally chancing glances at them. “Uh. Okonkwa,” Ellis said. “Its like, outside the city.”

“No fuckin’ way. You moved here? Like, from the world? I’ve never met anyone who’s been outside the city. Did you trek through the prairie?”

“This cab driver who wanted to die drove me.”

“Tell me of the outside world, traveler,” she said in an old hag voice.

“Its a complete nightmare. It’s mostly highways and stores, and everywhere you go someone hassles you until you spend money.”

“And they wonder why kids don’t play outside any more. Why’d ya’ll move to the Sinkhole? Running from something?”

“Beat a cop half to death.”



Ellis’ sour expression and curt responses made her nervous. She got that a lot; pretty much every time she went out in public. It’s why she didn’t. She watched the way he slumped and how the silence made him fidget, and realized he was just a grungy, feral, awkward dude. His face was probably stuck like an apprehensive animal. He didn’t disapprove of her, he was just uncomfortable. Well, she was very good at fixing that. Plus she liked ’em bashful.

“I hate the police. I used to work my uncle’s falafel truck. I can be charming when I have to, so I was a neighborhood favorite. They called me ‘Little Falafel Girl.’ Got some serious tips. The police were constantly harassing me, searching for drugs and hassling me about permits. Do I look like I know anything about zoning laws? I was there to fry chickpeas. One of them called me a ‘Fucking Arab’ and said a bunch of shit about Sharia Law and hijabs. Dude, I’m Irish and Persian. Like get your racism right. So I had to stop working there.”

“Jesus Christ,” Ellis was appalled. She was happy to see him engaged. “I didn’t know that my guy was a cop, but maybe I’ll beat the next one fully to death.”

“Please tell me more.”

“Well they have guns and they call like fifty of their friends if you reach for your pocket,” Ellis held his chin. “So I’d have to get the drop on him. I think I could knock him out with like a brick? Or if I used a roll of quarters like brass knuckles. But then I might lose some quarters.”

“Fascinating, but I meant about how you’re on the run from the law. Was he in plain clothes or?”

“He was my Mom’s boyfriend,” Ellis said. “Got violent and uh, so did I. I’m not like a violent person, I just, you know.”

“World’s a nightmare,” Sascha shrugged. “I get it. S’why I carry bear spray. Mace don’t cut it.”

Talking about violence sucked. Ellis wanted to keep talking but he didn’t know any subjects. Sascha was happy to talk to someone in person for a change. She asked what floor he was on.

“Room 68.”

“Oh my God, neighbors! I’m in 69. Nice nice, eh?” She made a suggestive face, Ellis made a sympathetic one. He must have heard her family going at it. “My name is Sascha, by the way.”

“Ellis Avia.”

She got up and asked if he hugged.

Ellis was fatally touch-starved. “I’ve never been asked.”

“Boundaries are important.” She put her arms around him. Realized he did need to do laundry. “Welcome to Sincoke, city of quantity over quality. Its like TV. A billion channels, nothing to do.”

Ellis understood she was hiding from the yelling. The dance didn’t feel private or intimate anymore, it felt lonely. He didn’t want her going back home. He invited her to hang out.

“I think that’d be fun!” She said. “I have online classes most days but I’d love to show you around a little.”

“You free tonight? I was unpacking and my apartment is weird.” She was a bit put off being invited to his apartment. He noticed. “No pressure. Its just really weird. Like, spiritually empty.”

“Haha ‘spiritually empty’? Well, no one lived there,” she said.

“…You’ve never seen anyone there? It’s my brother’s place. Allegedly. He sent some prick to bring me here. You haven’t seen him?”

“Wait, I saw a guy there months ago. Maybe a year? Time feels irrelevant. He was really hot.” She paused for a moment and went for it. “Kinda looked like you.”

“I have no idea what he looks like.” Ellis said.

Did it go over his head, or had she been deflected? “Wait,” she said, “you don’t know what your brother looks like?”

“I haven’t seen him in ten years. Suddenly he invites me to stay with him, and the apartment is like spotless. Everything is new. It’s all very mysterious.”

“Maybe he cleaned it for you. Or maybe… its his porn studio.” Ellis looked perplexed. “Dude you know. All those ‘amateur’ guy-with-camera porn sites. They’re always in very clean, mostly empty apartments.”

“Why would he let me stay there then?”

“Fluffer,” she said. He nodded knowingly, clearly had no idea what she meant. She rolled her eyes at herself for worrying. There was not an ounce of guile in this boy. “I’ll help you investigate your brother’s creepy porn studio. Plus if you’re a secret murderer my family might hear me scream over their own yelling.” He looked mortified. She set a laundry alarm on her phone, and turned her location on just in case.

He seemed more nervous than she was. They heard another crash from Apt 69. “Hey, even if you’re a secret murderer, it can’t be worse than my place!”

Philip K Dude

9:32PM. Dzerassae photographed six men as they showed up at Zengrel’s house. Thick necks, pot bellies, big arms, and fascistic tattoos. “Classic goon bods,” Dallas did a chef’s kiss. “If it were lighter out they’d be wearing sunglasses.”

They were wearing dress pants, white gloves, and double breasted black jackets. “What are they, bellhops?” Dallas said. “They look like they should be wearing anti-woke brand t-shirts. Second Amendment Cereal or something.” “I fucking hate private security. It’s all guys who want to ‘protect and serve’ but they’re too out of shape and racist to be cops. And that’s saying something.”

Their shirts weren’t tucked in and their buttons were undone. Dzerassae had affection for anyone who disrespected their employer. “Where is class solidarity?” She asked Dallas. “Private security make paltry minimum wage that make breadlines look like generosity. It is hard economy.”

“ACAB, Dzerassae. Even fake ones.”

9:46 PM. A large van pulled in. “I thought all his shit was already here,” Dallas said. “What’d he forget a couple 14-year-olds?” Dzerassae ignored him but readied her camera. That was a very real possibility.

The van had a logo for ‘Innovative Livestock Solutions.’ The security performed their theater. hassling the black drivers, giving each other hand signals, and constantly gesturing to their guns. Eventually the deliverymen unloaded large coils and huge commercial refrigerators. The goons kept haranguing them about where to go. No doubt giving confusing, conflicting instructions.

“What kind of fucked up fetish is this for?” Dallas said. “Guess he needs a lot of Dino Nuggets and Lunchables for his harem.”

They took pictures of the equipment; they’d have to do research to deduce its purpose. Watching the movers work was monotonous. Detective work was incredibly boring, even when investigating an elite sex cult. Their vigilance waned, their minds wandered. Dallas imagined anemic figures sprawled on the floor inside. Powerless, poor wretches stuck in Zengrel’s orbit. Dzerassae saw signs of doom. She interpreted patterns in the positions of the guards, and in the rhythm of the birds beating their wings. Junk data. Not everything was an omen. There was a fine line between listening to the universe and magical thinking.

Something about Zengrel’s apartment inspired dread. The deliverymen moved quickly like they didn’t want to be there. The guards watched them like hawks but wouldn’t follow them inside.

One of the guards put his hands on a deliveryman, starting a loud altercation. “Wild night,” Dallas shrugged. “Hope the dude doesn’t get shot. Be a useful photo, though.”

10:16PM. A limousine.

“Oh fuck oh fuck,” Dallas said. “Wee-oo wee-oo. Pedo’s here.”

Sascha acted amused by the yelling echoing through the halls. Ellis had enough tact not to say anything. He stood in front of his door and fumbled through his pockets.

“We can keep the door open if you want,” he said.

“And listen to them? We should soundproof it and blast music or something.”

The laundry room was a safe place; she didn’t like being right outside their door. She fidgeted anxiously while Ellis pulled cheap ear buds out of his pocket. Sascha’s Mom screamed about entrepreneurial spirit. Batteries, a rubber band, a bunch of loose change. Sascha’s Dad threatened to relapse. Half-eaten bag of Swedish Fish, taquito wrappers, a reusable straw, a student bus pass. Cyrus repeated some gibberish he’d heard online. Chinese food sauce packets, a library card from Okonkwa, Cyrus cursed at the top of his lungs, a bunch of fliers for open mics, Cyrus punched their couch—

The parents grew increasingly bewildered by their son. Being misunderstood hurt his ego and made him angrier. She was familiar with the cycle; she had to grow up with him.

“Shit,” Ellis mumbled to himself. He seemed nice and she was very lonely, but he was a stranger who walked in on her in the laundry room. Without laundry.

“FUCK!” Cyrus screamed.

“Fuck…” Ellis breathed as he thrust his hand back into his pocket.

She heard Cyrus throw something at the wall. What if he was in her room, destroying her figures and electronics? What if he found the titty figures?!

Ellis threw a wad of receipts on the ground in frustration.

“I’m actually gonna watch my laundry,” Sascha mumbled, stepping away.

He exhaled loudly. “I think I locked myself out.”

“Property manager’s number is downstairs.” Poor guy. He never answered.

“I uh, don’t have a phone.”

Cyrus punched the door and she jumped. “Convenience store might have one,” she spat.

Ellis finally clocked the vibe shift. Her whole body was turned in the direction of the laundry room. He froze, confused and bug-eyed. “Did I-” don’t question her, “sorry I-” nothing to do with you—just let her go. “Alright, I’ll go downstairs. Uh, see ya maybe.”

“Sorry, good luck with the door!” She started scurrying away when the door crashed open and Cyrus spilled out. His skin was lighter than Sascha’s but he had the same nose and eyes. The sides of his head were shaved, and the top was long and slicked back with so much gel it looked plastic. He was wearing a stark white polo. He had an enamel pin of a smug-looking toad on his lapel.

He slammed the door shut. “Normies! NPCs!” He roared. Then he noticed Sascha and Ellis. “What are you doing. Who is this beta?”

Zengrel handed his driver a fat tip. He was tall and broad like a linebacker, with a big face, wide jaw, and long gray hair. He wore a salmon polo and faded jeans. His deep smile lines were noticeable even from a distance. The employees’ mood shifted when he arrived. His big smile, self-satisfied as it was, proved infectious. He never blinked. He put his arm around the guards and movers and slapped them on the back, treating the hired help like old college buddies.

“Life of the party, this guy,” Dallas said bitterly. “Real peoples’ champion.”

“Stops people from asking too many questions,” Dzerassae said. “ I hate American performative niceness. Smile when you happy. Scowl all other times.”

“I can take or leave most of my culture,” Dallas said, “but I think its nice to smile at people and shake hands.”

Dzerassae gestured out the window. “See what niceness hides.”

They heard footsteps outside the aviary, followed by dangling keys.

Dallas got up to handle whoever was at the door. AIDS developed a system called the Sus Scale, where each member’s trustworthiness was ranked based on looks and vibes, to determine who should speak to police and civilians. America was voted least suspicious, though she argued her blackness was a disadvantage with some people. Next was Dallas. He could be charming, but he smiled like a freak and had no filter. Dzerassae was last because of her old-world mannerisms and Russian accent. Lester was banned from speaking to the public.

Dallas saw a stocky man through the peephole. Mid 30s, ratty windbreaker and cargo pants. He was holding a plastic bag and struggling to inset a key into the lock. Dallas noticed he was swaying

Dallas opened the door and said, “Howdy?”

The guy looked surprised, then awkward and unsure of himself, as if Dallas caught him doing something wrong. Dallas waited for him to talk first, hoping for a clue about who he should pretend to be. The man tried to look past him and Dallas moved to block Dzerassae from view. A bird squawked, and the man leered.

“I’m here to… to feed the fucking birds,” he stammered, visibly drunk.

“Oh man they didn’t tell you? I was gonna be here tonight, so I volunteered. They were supposed to give you the night off.” This seemed to frustrate him, like he was used to abrupt schedule changes. “Ugh. Hate it when they fucking do that,” Dallas said. The man nodded. He tried to hide the plastic bag.

A draft came in. The birds started squawking, and the man’s face reddened with rage. “Fucking birds disrespecting me!”

“Whoa there partner,” Dallas tried to put a hand on his shoulder, but the man shoved his way inside, pulling fistfuls of rice out the bag.

“FEATHERED FUCKS!!!” He tossed rice and it scattered everywhere.

Dallas dove between the rice and birdcages. “The birds are innocent!”

“He is attracting attention from across street,” Dzerassae said.

Dallas spun around the man and covered his mouth, kicked him in the back of the knees to drop him, then pulled him into the bathroom.

“Windy Night in Sincoke,” Kenneth Steven Janes,,

Cyrus straightened his shoulders, lifted his chest, and raised his chin. It made Ellis think of a goose hissing and flapping its wings. Geese can’t take a hit. Cyrus turned away from Ellis as if he was sufficiently cowed. Normally that’s when Ellis would take a swing, but Sascha was right there.

“This” Cyrus gestured to Ellis, “is what I want to talk about, Sascha. Look what postmodern media—and hormone therapy—have done to your mind.” Ellis looked perplexed. “See? He doesn’t even know what’s going on.”

“No one does, Cyrus. No one ever knows what you’re talking about,” Sascha said.

“Yes—you do. You’re not connected to your evolutionary intuition. Let me explain; this beta hasn’t consciously realized it—but instinctively—he knows—we’ve established our status in relation to each other.”

Ellis looked at Sascha pleadingly, like a dog that wanted to chase a squirrel.

“What are you doing?” She asked Cyrus, deadpan.

“Forget this petty squabble,” he gestured at the apartment. “You’re not in a place where you can understand. But-”

“What are you doing talking to me? This isn’t how it works,” she said, sternly and sadly. “None of you talk to me. You yell, and I guess now whisper and plot, about me.”

Cyrus stepped towards her. Ellis stepped towards him. “That’s because you don’t listen Sascha.”

“Not with a straight face,” she said.

Cyrus twitched. “’People mock things they aren’t ready to accept,’” he quoted someone.

“You don’t need to tell me that!”

Ellis looked at their parents. A refrigerator-bodied Mediterranean man with a mustache whose posture made him look smaller. A petite middle aged white woman with weird Pilates muscles and over-sunned skin. They seemed mesmerized by their daughter’s voice, as if they’d never heard it.

“Mahdi-” Cyrus began.

“That’s Dad to you!” Their father yelled petulantly.

“You lost that status!” Cyrus shot back.

“That’s more like it.” Sascha said bitterly. “I’ll just stand here.”

“I want you to come to my meetings,” Mahdi pleaded.

“I think it will teach you some Responsibility,” Cyrus said, choking up at the word.

“There’s only one way to learn anything,” Sascha’s Mom said, “Rise and grind!”

Wow all that sounds great, guys. Tell you what, why don’t you all fucking kill each other, and whoever survives can tell me how to live my life! Sascha didn’t say. She turned and looked at Ellis, simultaneously sorry he was seeing this and annoyed he was still there. Ellis just glared at Cyrus.

“Hey,” Cyrus said, mustering as much authority as he could, “you and I already settled things.”

“Have we?” Ellis had venom in his voice. He didn’t want to meddle in Sascha’s business. So he had to make Cyrus hit him first.

“You’re trying to save face—that’s normal—but all you can do is talk.” He wasn’t wrong. If he shut Cyrus up his way, he’d be the bad guy and everyone would avoid him. The yoke of acceptable behavior was on his shoulders, always benefiting the biggest asshole. Didn’t anyone know what ‘fighting words’ were? “It’s the same for all of you—you’re all frozen, quiet—your genes recognize my dominant position.” He looked at Sascha. “And I’m finally using it to set you—on the right path.”

“You’re just making everyone feel weird,” Ellis said.

“Do you even eat raw liver?” Cyrus said. Don’t say I eat your Mom, Ellis thought. She’s right there. “You obviously eat processed foods. Sascha—if you were a real woman—your evolutionary psychology—wouldn’t permit you around a man like this.”

“I was helping him find his keys,” She turned to Ellis. “Go call the property manager.”

“See? In the presence of a real man your status plummets,” Cyrus said.

“Just go downstairs, dude,” Sascha was exasperated.

“Run along now,” Cyrus said.

“Nah,” Ellis said.

Sascha narrowed her eyes at him. “Excuse me?”

“This dude’s violent, I’m staying within earshot. I’ll finish my laundry,” Ellis stared Cyrus right in the eyes. You know where to find me.

“Excuse me—who the fuck are you?” Cyrus spat.

Ellis leaned forward and glared at him through his wild hair. “I’m your new neighbor,” he gestured to the door behind them. “Be seeing you around.” I’ll be here now. I will hear everything. You have to think about me. I’m the Mom’s Boyfriend now.

Part One: The Air is Alive in Sincoke, 1

The Wind blew through Riley’s long black hair. Wind meant trouble. Sincoke was the Still City where the hot, dry air never budged. ‘Nothing Circulates in Sincoke,’ the saying goes.

Except on wild nights.

Growing up in a dangerous neighborhood taught Riley to read the city better than most people can read a room. He sensed he shouldn’t have worked that double, shouldn’t be walking home this close to sundown. He ignored his gut because he couldn’t say no to the money.

His hair made him a target. It either outed him as an ‘injun’ or a hippie liberal, depending on who wanted to punch his teeth in. He was walking too fast to braid it so he stuffed it in his shirt collar. It was itchy but he had to get home before shit kicked up. He felt it coming. He wasn’t worried about himself, he needed to make sure his little siblings were home safe. He started feeling the call of wild nights and sneaking out when he was their age. It’s harder to resist when you’re younger.

The name Sincoke was extrapolated from the Lenape word for ‘Pregnant Land’ though it is anything but. It was always partly cloudy but it rarely rained, so the prairie grass was thin and dry. It was more like a desert with peach fuzz. No one bothered to ask his ancestors why they called it that. Riley always figured it was ironic. Trail of Tears gallows humor.

Eventually even this wasteland was taken away from the Native Americans. Their vague warnings to tread lightly on pregnant land were ignored, like they always are. They were followed by frontiersmen, then oil men, then a tidal mass of poor folk. Industrialists, middle men, and crooks swept in to reap from the vulnerable population. Oil, factories, and meat processing plants fueled the growth of dozens of little boom towns until their borders overlapped.

These suburbs with emphasis on the ‘urb’ were cobbled together during The Great Rezoning into a Frankenstein city of mismatched parts. Every town has a bad neighborhood, and when Sincoke was stitched together it inherited all those towns’ bad neighborhoods. Riley knew them all but he needed to take a direct route instead of a safe route. And it didn’t matter, no neighborhood was safe when the wind blew through it.

The Wind brought people out. They gathered under the setting sun on dilapidated porches, in the parking lots of run-down corner stores, on cracked sidewalks and beneath leaning telephone poles covered in missing pet signs. The mundane looked ominous blowing in the wind, in the light of the orange and purple sky.

Sincoke usually belonged to cars, but on Wild Nights the streets were packed with roving bands of people. The sun was setting and the energy was rising. People were playing roisterous games of Craps in the space between houses and in the courtyards of public buildings. There were people drinking or arguing on every front porch he passed. Every car that passed him was going at least fifteen miles over the speed limit, as if they were trying to clear out for the people.

Every couple blocks some guy—or a group of guys—would watch Riley. He’d stare right back. He kept his body language relaxed and confident, not picking a fight but not backing down from one. A tiny piece of him wanted one. His hair itched in his shirt collar—he wanted to yank it out and let it blow free. He knew it was just the energy in the air getting to him. He resisted it, but it stayed in the back of his mind. Nagging at him.

He was distracted by a guy on the other side of the street being chased by a woman holding a rubber mallet when a mug came crashing out of a nearby window—right at his head. He dodged it and glared in the direction it came. Just a couple having a blow-out fight. He looked down at Garfield’s shattered face. He noticed the litter on every curb and wondered how much of it was Garfield merchandise.

It always surprised Riley when people broke or threw anything out. Even before his father’s injury his family couldn’t afford to waste anything, and that was typical. Most of the factories closed in the ’90s, and most of the meat processing plants moved south of the border. There was investment in a tech boom that never happened—Sincoke wasn’t ready for the knowledge economy, and no amount of PR stunts by city leadership were going to change that. Sincoke gave away ungodly tax breaks and grants to big firms, and after that didn’t pay off it had nothing to offer anyone at all; even to the poor and desperate. People and money stopped coming to and from Sincoke. The Still City. Sincokers, or Sinkies, are stuck in a city in the middle of nowhere, with nothing to do and no money to go anywhere else.

No Circulation in Sincoke.

Shoulda listened to the Lenape.

“Well well if it isn’t my ancestral foe,” roared a deep drawl from behind Riley. “How’s the air up there Standing Stork?” It was a stupid insult but he delivered it with venom.

Riley stopped and met the gaze of a short, stocky, older cowboy. He was bow-legged, wearing nothing but jeans, a long mustache, and a ten-gallon hat with the namesake horns of a Texas Longhorn sticking out from holes on either side. He had a big hairy belly and a flabby chest, but bulky arms. His neck was incredibly thick and muscled, probably from wearing those horns around all the time.

Of course Riley cashed his paycheck earlier that evening, and he was carrying a couple hundred in cash. He didn’t want his family to have to choose between hot water and his Dad’s pain medicine again, so he thought about booking it. Other people gathered to heckle and watch. If they saw him run he could never walk around safely again.

“You been watching too many movies, pardner.” Riley said, strolling towards the man to meet him in the street.

“Don’t pardner me, you tall bitch.”

Laughter erupted. There was a crowd forming. ‘Flagpole gon’ fight Willy.’ Riley heard someone refer to him as ‘The Alfalfa Street Longhorn.’ People watched from their front steps and lawns—good people who would have stepped in and broken things up on a normal night. But on windy nights everyone loses their minds.

The man stopped just outside arm’s length and tried to act intimidating. Riley stared him down. He looked like he had been crying.

“Whoa.” Riley softened and looked concerned. “Hey man–”

The Alfalfa Street Longhorn couldn’t handle seeing sympathy on another man’s face. Before Riley could ask if he was OK, he roared and started beating his chest like a gorilla.

The man kicked out and dragged his bare foot across the cracked sidewalk, like a bull getting ready to charge.

Most Americans don’t know anything about Sincoke, but its notorious among conspiracy theorists, occultists, and true crime fans for random, explosive crime spikes. Could be something caused by the special forces and intelligence units headquartered in the prairie. Could be caused by the numerous fringe religious groups or political militias that operate in the area. Could be whatever the Lenape say the land is ‘pregnant’ with. Could be boredom. Could be a city-wide psychological event—a periodic mass hysteria.

People say it’s something in the water. Sincokers like Riley knew something was on the wind. It transferred an infectious energy that sent people looking for trouble. The itching became too much and Riley tugged his long black hair free again. He could see the pulse in the other man’s temples. If I back down and look weak, Riley reasoned, I’ll never be able to walk this neighborhood again. As if he needed any more justification, the wind blew the feather of a prairie chicken towards him. He caught it and put it behind his ear.

He didn’t need a reason suddenly.

“He Beat His Chest,” by Kenneth Steven Janes,,

Lester Guerra waited outside of his ex-girlfriend’s apartment. He noticed that people were crossing the street to walk on the opposite sidewalk, which frustrated him because he was making an attempt to look less like a mean son of a bitch. He stopped shaving his head, just had a thick mane now. He wore long sleeves to cover up his deeply offensive tattoos—which was difficult because he ran hot, around 99 degrees. Sometimes 100.

He felt 101 at that moment. He was angry and appalled by the shithole his daughter was living in.

The little boom towns that would become Sincoke sprouted up organically—like tree roots or cancer growth—and when they were forced together the lack of urban planning was apparent by the jarring lack of public transit and the obtuse layout. The small government extremists who dreamed up Sincoke in the 19CE would have loved to see it. Contemporary libertarians certainly did. Sincoke was vast, spread out, and lacking everything that makes cities fun and convenient to live in. It was more like a giant strip mall. A flyover metropoless that most Americans couldn’t point to on a map.

Sarah brought their daughter to one of the thousands of awful little towns that Sincoke absorbed, kicking and screaming. No buses stopped there and Uber drivers charged extra to drive out of their way (the market at work!). The streets were in ill-repair. There were no stop signs or street signs, just the bent metal signposts they were torn away from, and the faded remnants of white lines on the road. Jesus Christ, he thought, Diega is gonna get hit by a car.

They lived in a two-story house converted into two single bedroom apartments. Diega better have the bedroom, Sarah and her new man—if you can call him that—better be on the couch Lester thought. The siding was coming off and there was a broken window covered up in cardboard. It was considerably nastier than his halfway house. Lester had hid from the police in nicer places than this. It looked like a drug den. May as well have had a red light out front.

The house was across the street from an abandoned lot overgrown with prairie grass, with a rusty old car sticking out of it, its front half buried into the ground. If Lester knew one thing, its that patches of grass in neighborhoods like this are full of needles, condoms, and ticks. They better not be letting Diega play in that grass.

Anger churned his stomach. He started counting things like Amy said, but it was too late. His face got white hot as blood rushed into it and made him dizzy. He tensed up and his stomach and throat burned like he chugged battery acid. Lester always experienced anger suddenly, violently, and physically. He compulsively threw his arm back to swing on a parking meter. With extreme effort he stopped himself. It felt like holding back a sneeze.

He grabbed his phone to check if his ex canceled on him. The screen lit up for a split second, then suddenly died in his hand. He cursed and mashed the power button but the phone felt cold and limp. It was a brick. He Gritted his teeth and squeezed it. He heard the door behind him open.

Lester always had mixed feelings when he saw Sarah. She was heavier now. She looked tired, unwell, worse off without him—he was sure. She also looked pissed at him.

“One hour. Got it? One.” She stood in the bowing door frame. Her new boyfriend mean mugged him from the top of their staircase. Tough guy, standing behind his woman. Real smug for a fucker who lived in a house with a missing ceiling tile in the stairwell and loose carpet on the stairs. Jesus, Diega could slip. What was this asshole even good for?

“Sure, sure, yeah,” he kept his back to them and talked over his shoulder. He didn’t want to glare back at tough guy and start anything. Not this time. “Little trip to the pizzeria. Some ice cream. Couple rounds on the claw game, maybe win her a stuffed animal.” Classic deadbeat Dad date.

“No claw machine. You’ll freak out and bust the fucking glass. And if I call, you answer,” she said pointedly. Pointing at him.

“…My phone, uh. My phone broke.”

“Nope,” she said, turning around.

“Holy shit, I can give you the number for the pizzeria. It’ll be fine.”

“NO!” She turned and hollered. “What happened, stubbed your toe and threw your phone through a wall?”

“Sarah!” He growled and stepped towards her, before catching himself and stepping back. She shot him a look. He knew exactly what it meant. You’re still a fucking psycho.

“Or did you throw it through someone’s head?” She hissed, before slamming the door as he stammered an apology.

He took a deep breath and tried to walk a couple blocks away before freaking out. He knew it was coming and he couldn’t stop it, but he didn’t want them to hear it. They would love that, wouldn’t they?

He angrily clutched his phone in his pocket. This was all its fault anyway. Something felt off, there was a dent. He looked at it and realized that the plastic was warped and caved in the shape of his fingers. Like it melted between them.

Cheap piece of crap. He blanked out, started running, then wound his arm up real good and spiked his stupid fucking phone into the concrete. It bounced off the sidewalk and into a house, denting the siding. It wasn’t satisfying and he kind of felt bad for it.

He just wanted to buy his daughter a slice of pizza. He was always incredibly unlucky with electronics—every computer, TV and appliance he’s ever owned just conked out, bricked on him. They wouldn’t let him use the microwave at the office. But it hadn’t happened in a really long time. Why tonight? It was so hard to convince Sarah to let him see their daughter. The wind blew a plastic bag in his face, and he began punching it to shreds.

He sat on a curb and tried everything America taught him to calm down. He counted three things he could see. The awful conditions my daughter is living in. The people crossing the street to avoid me. The empty void in my pocket where my stupid phone used to be. Three things he could hear. The sound of Sarah slamming the door on me. The judgment in her voice. The brief sound of my daughter’s voice in the background. He started to feel sad, but that made him mad. Three things he could feel. The tight feeling in my chest. Heat in my wrists. The swift breeze.

That explained it. Sarah being particularly bitchy, the relapse with his anger management problems, the pedestrians being particularly avoidant of his scary ass. It was a Wild Night. Of all the luck. A dark thought crossed his mind. After he picked up Dallas’ little brother, maybe he’d let it take him.

Sascha was doom-scrolling to distract from the tension emanating from outside her room. She had her laptop on her chest and her head propped against a pillow at nearly a 90 degree angle. It was extremely uncomfortable but she couldn’t will herself to move. The central air didn’t work and it was hot, but her skinny legs were super hairy so she kept them tangled in the sheets to stave off the dysphoria. Her mass of wavy orange hair was greasy and tangled, and her pores were clogged with old makeup. Her bedding and shirt were crusty too, more sweat and skin cells than cotton.

She had literally no reason to take care of herself. All of her friends and classes were online and she couldn’t stream anymore. She had committed the ultimate sin of being a woman on the internet who talked about video games. Also she was trans and an a-rab! Well, she was Persian-American (thanks for the dark leg hair, Dad!) which is a distinction these fucks can’t make. She was immediately chased off the internet by harassment, hate speech and people asking for feet.

She only left her room to use the toilet or to grab snacks, which she would sneak back to her room like a scavenger dragging a carcass to its feeding ground. She had to be strategic about when she bathed or did laundry. If she left her room for too long one of the Ternionmight leave literature in there, and that almost always lead to an explosion. It had been three whole weeks since their last blowout. Not their longest oppressive silence but they were gunning for the record, bless them.

She had a feeling they weren’t going to make it. She heard three sets of footsteps outside her door. Usually they settled and performatively ignored one another by the early evening. Tonight they seemed agitated. Likely trying to goad one another into a fight.

So Sascha scrolled. She needed all the dopamine her feed could give her. None of her friends were online to take her mind off of it or offer her reassurances. It made her feel lonely and isolated, and contributed to the ominous feeling of impending doom.

Suddenly she hit the bottom of her feed. The algorithm couldn’t generate any more op eds and hot takes. Impossible! Suddenly she realized friends weren’t offline, she was.

Internet access in Sincoke was notoriously bad. SinCast was the only network provider in town. They had no incentive to deliver good service, and no local talent to provide it anyway. Sascha’s phone got no reception in her windowless room. The lack of service made her suspect it was windy out.

She closed her laptop and disassociated while it went cold on her chest. She had a witchy friend in Portland, OR who believed in Sincoke’s Wild Nights. Sascha used to think magic evil wind was fake, but the Ternion were always worse when the air moved.

What was she in for.

Sascha needed a distraction. She dug her old CRT TV and a Sega CD out of the closet. It was under a pile of boots with broken zippers that she kept telling herself she’d fix. There was a video capture card hanging from it, a remnant of her streaming days. She plugged it into the over-burdened surge protector under her desk and emerged with dust and a loose coin stuck to her arms.

She bought all of her old consoles secondhand and broken, and resurrected them with household objects and a little ingenuity. With manic energy, she jury-rigged a replacement power plug using a dirty fork from under her bed and replaced frayed wires with a bread tie. It took an hour. She held her hands together in prayer while waiting for it to boot up. Come on, my little zombie! And it started. She built a big throne of pillows on her floor and settled in to warm her heart with some retro games.

The nostalgia wore off in fifteen minutes and she started ruminating on the footsteps again. They grew louder, more frantic, more agitated. It sounded like they were wearing tap shoes. She could identify them by their footsteps. She tried to focus on gaming but kept getting swept up by the ominous feeling. A blow out was looming.

Whatever was coming would be a relief from the tension at this point.

Suddenly, something fell over. There was a soft thud. One of her Mom’s endless racks of leggings. Her precious ‘products’ that covered the whole house. Everyone had to navigate around them like a labyrinth.

There was a ‘these fucking things,’ and then a, ‘watch it!,’ then a clothes rack went flying across the apartment and crashed into her door. It scared the hell out of her and she froze.

Things hadn’t escalated that quickly in awhile.

“What’s the last thing you noticed?”

America MacCabee was on a video call with a patient. She looked at herself in the upper right hand corner of her screen. The lighting and position of her camera were arranged to accentuate her high cheekbones, so she looked attractive and capable. Her expression was focused and impassive. The light made her skin look a little brighter. It helped sometimes with white clients.

She tried not to move because it made her background glitch. She stole the image of a sunlit, tidy office with plants and bland beige decor off of Pinterest. It masked a sparse old townhouse covered in piles of dusty records and reports. Her bed and kitchen counters were stacked high with stained manila folders and old hardbound textbooks. Half evidence, half patient records, almost no personal belongings.

It was all very well organized though.

Her patient was extremely poorly lit, like he was video calling from a black hole. His eyes were empty. “I was just thinking the stuff we used to do. Parks, arboretums, friends. And like after he went crazy—I know it’s problematic to assume that. I know it took two. But everyone noticed he changed.”

“The last thing you noticed is that his behavior changed?”

He thought for a moment and his eyes lit up ever so slightly. He glanced to the left, which was associated with pain from the past. “I used to do things.”

“I want you to notice that. Don’t think about it, don’t judge it, just notice. Ready?”

“Never,” he said. She laughed professionally then turned on the balls. Two little footballs bounced around the screen. Up and down, side to side, corner to corstopping. Abruptly. Then





Then mov i n g s l o w l y

America carefully watched his eyes as he processed his trauma to deduce where his body was storing it. She got caught up and followed the balls herself, then started thinking about the open file behind her. Coming up with a psychological profile of their target had been extremely difficult. She spoke to a lot of people with missing kids. She also spoke to surviving victims, so she knew exactly what was happening to their sisters and daughters.

She somehow managed to keep a straight face. Focused and impassive. When the balls stopped, her patient was crying. He looked directly into the camera. His eyes were very lively and he said,

“I have nothing. I feel dead.”

Nearly all of her patients expressed this at one point or another. She nodded empathically. “OK. Good. I want you to notice that.”

“How can I not?” He threw up his arms. “I fucking leave here at 5AM to get a parking spot for work, I pack boxes all day, then I come home and play fucking video games for like an hour. I used to have a partner. I used to have a life. Now I might as well be fucking dead.”

“Drudgery and loneliness can cause trauma.” Most of her clients were suffering from years of stress and boredom. Poverty in Sincoke was rampant. People worked long hours for little pay, or didn’t work and got a pittance from public programs. There was nothing most people could afford to do. “It’s called chronic trauma.” Ego death by a million cuts, one missed payment or weekend alone with Netflix at a time. It was happening to everyone, and she could only help the ones with insurance.

“What do I do about it? And what if he needs me?”

“Right now we’re just going to notice these feelings. You need to process. Focus on—”

“Fuck that!” He said. “This is all fucked. I had a life.” Before she could tell him to notice that,he signed off.

Not a terrible session, considering his issues with repression. And she wrapped up early! She had ten minutes before her 8PM patient. She got up to stretch, then turned on her phone to read some advice columns. They used to be her guilty pleasure but now she wrote for one, so it was technically market research. Turned her only hobby into a side hustle. Tsk tsk.

When she turned her phone on it buzzed for a solid minute as dozens of missed messages poured in. Clients. The messages were dire and weird, even from people she’d been making progress with.

She felt overwhelmed as more and more came through, but she lost it when a selfie came through from Dallas. She was still so mad at him. He was grinning like a jackass in a dark room across the street from Zengrel’s mansion, with the accompanying text, ‘here at neverland ranch 2.’

She chucked her phone onto her couch and exhaled deeply. Must be great to wave your gun around and make stupid jokes. It’s just a regular ol’ western revenge thriller when you don’t have to talk to grieving parents. Her phone buzzed with more messages and she put her head in her hands. She was one woman and there were hundreds of thousands of people in her city. She could only help one person at a time. And even then she could only help them cope. She couldn’t actually change anything.

There were limits to the individual approach towards mental health. But it’s not like there was a collective solution. Society wasn’t changing anytime soon.

She put herself together and picked up her phone. She swiped Dallas away, but she instinctively noticed his eyes were positioned slightly to the left. She ignored it—his appointment wasn’t until Thursday at 7AM. He had plenty of her time, and other people needed her right now. She scrolled through to find the most urgent and dire ones, and noticed a message from a contact she had named DO NOT RESPOND. DO NOT EVEN READ, GIRL.

She thought about it. Why not? She was always little miss perfect. Always level-headed, always responsible. Why shouldn’t she be a messy bitch for once?

The thought seemed to come from outside of her. It felt alien, something within her mimicking her inner voice. Another voice—her own this time—said: because too many people rely on you, Amy. As an empty gesture, she opened her window for some fresh air. She was surprised when she actually got it.

That’s why she was off her game. Sincoke’s wild nights were mass psychological events. People feeding off of one another, group dynamics. The wind was incidental. It triggered unusual behavior because people believed in it. Or maybe just because it felt different. She was worried about her patients. She was worried about her fellow detectives, and Dallas’ little brother, and whatever was going on with DO NOT RESPOND, DO NOT EVEN READ, GIRL. Another bitter voice carried on the wind asked who’s gon’ worry about you, Amy?

I am, she said, in a defiant inner voice. She sat down, looked at herself in the upper corner of her screen, and logged on for her 8PM.

He wasn’t there today.


So what are y’all into?

“Bex!” Rebecca’s Mom snapped. She was a thin, petite, intense woman with angry, anxious eyes. Her hair was bleached so she could dye it however their guest liked it. She was wearing expensive yoga clothes so that no one could accuse her of relaxing unproductively. Her clothes were all new, without so much as a worn waistband. “Head in the game!”

Rebecca Beckster snapped to attention. She and her Mother were facing one another in an empty room. Her Mom was in an office chair, Rebecca was in a small folding chair designed to torture her. Her butt hung over the sides and the cold metal dug into her thighs. She was a big young woman, tall with wide shoulders and hips, a bit of a belly, and a head too big for hats. The chair was part of her training. It forced her to shrink.

The movers, shakers, and innovators of this era were optimizers, minimalists. Highly disciplined professionals, academics, and entrepreneurs that put every calorie and every movement to good use. Their distaste for Rebecca’s generous peasant body wasn’t about aesthetics or femininity, it was about efficiency. They liked people who were like consumer electronics. Small and smooth. Size was decadent and wasteful. Rebecca learned to sit demurely and act in ways that made her seem tiny. She was good at it. People never noticed she was tall unless she stood next to them, so she tended to stay seated or stand far away. The boy in the park (who was so tall!!) hadn’t notice her height until their dogs pulled them next to each other. He seemed to like it. She rewarded her poodle later with table food.

She had a printout of their mark’s Wikipedia article on her thighs. Her Mom had flash cards with things he was interested in. She held up one that said ‘effective altruism.’ Her mother raised her eyes, expectant and impatient.

“Uh, it’s like–”

Uh?!” Her Mom said. She leaned forward. She was always leaning towards Rebecca. Like she was always ready to lunge.

“It’s like–” she cringed and started over. “It’s using logic and reason to optimize the effects of your good deeds.” Her Mom watched her expectantly. “It involves… Thinking Globally.” Her Mom looked approvingly at this, but expected more. “Putting money into wisely selected charities, neutralizing existential threats, prioritizing people in the future,” AKA using hypothetical people who don’t exist yet as a justification for ignoring people in the present, “setting your emotions aside and approaching moral conundrums with a cost/benefit analysis.”

“Sell me on the fact that you believe in Effective Altruism.”

Rebecca froze and looked around self-consciously under her Mom’s gaze. She felt really pressured, and suddenly very fed up with Effective Altruism, a concept she found pretentious and tedious. “If there was a kid drowning I’d let it, but then I’d sell their organs to pay for lifeguards.”

She surprised herself. “Can I just act fascinated?” she asked, before her Mom could chastise her for being snarky. “Wow! How do you know what’s going to happen in the future? That sort of thing.”

“Rebecca, this man is a Billionaire. Billions. He earned that money, and that’s why we trust people like him with it. You should be happy that someone like that is trying to maximize the good he can do with it. He knows how to best spend his money, that’s self-evident.” Rebecca just nodded. Her Mom was doing a great job pretending she’d internalized Effective Altruism. “Don’t you want to be around people like that? Important people don’t come to Sincoke very often Rebecca. Don’t you want mentorship? Opportunities? Don’t you want to matter?”

“Yes,” Rebecca said automatically. She held up the papers with a determined expression. “I’ll read more.”

“You better.” Her Mother stood up to leave the room. She turned and walked to her daughter as an afterthought and ran her fingers through her hair. “This is our chance, sweetie. You’ve got this.”

Her Mom exited into the hallway, mumbling about what they should rename their dog to suit their guest’s tastes. The hallway was empty, gray and tan. They’d lived in their home for years but it looked like contractors just flipped it. No pictures, decorations, no personal items. It was a blank slate they could decorate to suit their guests, then tear it all down after dinner.

A breeze, and something with it, came into the room through the open window. Rebecca tried to focus on her Wikipedia pages but she was distracted. She tried to imagine what she would put on the walls.

Rebecca ran into Riley during a stroll through the heavily manicured Memorial Park in Center City. She was wearing jogging gear to fool her Mom. She couldn’t get caught going on a stroll. For what, fun? Everything had to be enriching and serve a purpose. Memorial Park was designed with that in mind. A lot of research and effort was put into maximizing nature’s effect on Wellness. The result was a stressful, bland place where a lot of people with email jobs walked to signal their virtue.

That’s why she was so surprised to meet him. He looked out of place, like a big, comfy sweatshirt on a rack of boring gray suits. He was the only other person who didn’t look like he had somewhere to be in ten minutes.

She was walking their unnamed poodle, he was walking a shaggy black mutt named Sitting Dog who never sat still. He approached her. He said he almost never came to Memorial Park, but he showed up on a whim. Then they started ‘running into each other’ daily. They both knew it wasn’t an accident.

He had a ton of interests in art and niche media, and he had a big fun sounding family. Rebecca was trained to be a great passive conversation partner. She knew how to keep the ball in the air, when to raise her eyebrows, when to laugh, when to say wow! She always learned just enough about whatever she was supposed to talk about so that she could fake engagement. She didn’t know anything about tokusatsu or sword and sorcery, but he talked about it in such a cute, enthusiastic way that she enjoyed herself. He didn’t over explain things. Here was a skilled active conversation partner, someone who wanted her to enjoy listening to him. And she did. She didn’t have to fake it.

And then he fucking ruined everything by asking her what she was interested in. Her training failed her for the first time. Being asked about herself felt like falling off a horse. It knocked her out of character. She didn’t realize she was in one.

She knew what the last dozen people her parents had entertained liked, but she couldn’t answer for herself. Ever since then her brain had been mush. It didn’t help that Theodore Zengrel was like if you put all of her parents’ marks into a blender and poured the off-white, flavorless paste on top of unsweetened porridge. Works in finance—whatever that means. Patron of the arts and science—aren’t we all?

All of her parents’ marks owned somethingtech and made an i-something, or had a plan to disrupt something with an app that did something. Or they worked in finance, which means they got rich by moving richer peoples’ fake money around. She started flipping through the packet looking for his company name, a benefactor for his philanthropy, his hometown, anything she could bring up to prompt him to talk more—as if he wouldn’t just do that on his own. There was nothing her brain could latch onto. He was working on ‘big things’ and came from ‘humble origins.’ No one was this nebulous.

She realized, with horror, that she was. What did she do? Who was she?

So, what are y’all into?

Right now it was Effective Altruism. For as long as her family needed her to woo this mark. But her eyes glazed over it all. She just couldn’t pretend to care. Why was the packet so thick if no one could name what this guy did? She skipped ahead and her eyes lit up when she realized 60% of it was the ‘controversies’ section.

Her potential mentor. Rebecca did not like this.

Deanna Littner,